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If we really want affordable housing, we need great public spaces

If we really want affordable housing, we need great public spaces

The issue of affordable housing is increasingly dominating political debate across Canada, and that is sparking dramatic changes in our governments’ policies. ...more

Affordable Housing

April 30, 20242 min read

Little-known but efficient, a different way to heat and cool your house

Little-known but efficient, a different way to heat and cool your house

Summers are famously humid in New York State, but life in the Maioli household has gotten more comfortable since the couple installed a new heating and cooling system — one that isn’t well known yet i... ...more

Your home

April 30, 20242 min read

What’s changing to inspire an increase in multigenerational living?

What’s changing to inspire an increase in multigenerational living?

For 2023 and subsequent tax years, the Canadian government has introduced a Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit, which is meant to assist with the cost of renovating an eligible home to add i... ...more

Multigenerational Living

April 30, 20242 min read

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